Dive Deeper: Make a Mind Map
Mind maps are helpful tools, particularly for those who need to
see problems laid out visually. It takes the problem, then breaks it down into
increasingly more specific solutions or points.
Begin by asking a question.
As an entrepreneur, you might think about what consumer problem
you want to solve. For instance, you might ask, ‘How can printing services be
more effective?’ or ‘How can I help consumers lower their utility bills?’ To
build your mind map, put your question in the center and then branch off from
there, writing one-word responses or reactions at the end of each branch.
words should be broad so that you can break the initial branches down into more
specific branches. Use color and drawings if it helps you; these do not have to
be neat or formal. The result will hopefully be an idea for a product or
service that you can introduce as an answer to your question. The diagram below
demonstrates the structure of a mind map.
Image from:
Here are some other articles about brainstorming and generating ideas:
- http://www.inc.com/john-boitnott/10-longtime-brainstorming-techniques-that-still-work.html
- https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCT_88.htm
- http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-come-up-with-a-good-business-idea-2016-12