Try it Out: Brainstorming!
Get together in your groups and come up with some ways that you
think are the best to market yourselves!
What ways do you use to market yourself?
Share your ideas with the group and then the class.
Test Your Understanding: Optional Case Studies
Kaskazi Network Case Study %
- To test your knowledge of the course thus far, please click this link and review the case study before answering questions 1 and 2 below. This case study can be done individually or in groups.
What are three marketing features that were essential to the success of the Kaskazi Network?
How does the marketing tactics of the Kaskazi Network differ or match the tactics you may us in your own business?
Derron Robbins Case Study
- To test your knowledge of the course thus far, please click this link and review the case study before answering questions 1 and 2 below. This case study can be done individually or in groups.
What are three marketing features that were essential to the success of the business?
How does the marketing tactics of Darren Robbins’ business differ or match the tactics you may us in your own business?
David vs. Goliath Case Study
- To test your knowledge of the course thus far, please click this link and review the case study before answering questions 1 and 2 below. This case study can be done individually or in groups.
What are three marketing features that were essential to the success of the business?
How does the marketing tactics of Darren Robbins’ business differ or match the tactics you may us in your own business?