This time will be devoted to developing your business plan. Remember that the creation and execution of your plan is the most valuable part of this course. Take this time and work to create a plan that will be helpful as you seek to transform your business ideas into reality. Work with excellence and remember Colossians 3:23, which instructs, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” We believe that hard work will result in positive outcomes in your business endeavors.
Here is a link to a web based automated business plan builder: It takes you step by step through the basics of building a business plan. To complete the process, you will have to enter some payment information, but you can go through the entire process as a learning tool without paying or inputing this information. It will make you think of things that you will need for your plan and is worth your time.
Here are some sample plans for small businesses. The website is targeted to African Entrepreneurs: