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Day Two Summary and Assignment:

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable about a rich man who went on a trip and gave three stewards some money (a talent was about 25 kilograms of silver). This parable has some serious theological meanings but one thing we learn is that the rich man, who represents God the Father, expected his stewards to be busy and productive and the way he judged that was whether they earned a profit. Two did but one did not, he hid the money and did not put it to good use. He was punished while the other two were rewarded.

We are all in that steward’s position, we have a choice to put our talent to good use and earn a profit. Profits morally earned and properly understood are spiritual blessings as well as helpful to our material well-being.  We need to profit not from getting a government favor that often prevents others from using their talents but by the creative use of our talent to serve others.

Assignment 2

Go research prices. Visit several businesses that sell the same item or a similar item and see if they charge the same price. What did you find out? What does that tell you? Compare it to a price you might find online in some other place, is the price different or the same? Why?

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